Always learning

The concept of learning is important. Currently I am learning about China. In particular, the history of China. When I was in school in Thailand many years ago, we were introduced to China as the “Merchant Country” or the sellers. In Thailand, there was a feeling that the Chinese were focused on business. It wasn’t meant in a way to be derogatory. The focus on every nation is different, which got me started on the Chinese information journey many years ago. Recently I’ve had a friend introduce me to some of the more amazing historical things that I didn’t have a chance to visit on my last visit to China.

2How do we evaluate success if we consider lifelong learning a goal? One way is to stretch, reach outside what is comfortable and find out about that. For me, that is anything outside of technology. Except for two areas, my first major in college was History, and my final degree was Elementary Education. Those are two areas I keep up with personally. I do reinforce what I learned in those two topics often. You would be amazed at the value that understanding educational principles can bring to you. If you see people struggling with information, you know how to change the present presentation information quickly.

(for example in valdiating information, the image comes from my Bird Buddy. It is an odd wingless bird.)

My father loved chasing history. Chasing history, I remember him slowing down and having us read historical markers along the way we traveled. History lies around us no matter where we are. Finding the history and understanding and validating the information you has is critical. I have read the wonderful book “Lies your teacher told you.” It is a book that focuses on the information we were taught about the history of the US. As I said, learning is all about gathering information and validating the information you have gathered. Sometimes it is ok to say I do not know.
