The Ides of Cloud

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Beware the ides of March.

It has a magical appeal, coming from Oracle to Julius Caesar warning him that bad things would happen to him on the 15th of March. It brings to mind an interesting statement “Beware the Ides of Cloud Computing.”

The ills/risks/dangers here aren’t just one day with Brutus, a knife and some bystanders who won’t help. The risks are every day. The reality of the ides right now? No Oracle warning of that in fact there is something to be wary of. (not that Oracle the company wouldn’t warn us, just that in the best sense of what an Oracle does, Oracle the Company can’t do Soothsaying is outside of the realm for software development companies today).

What are the risks?

  • The security drum is pretty well beaten and may in fact not really be as big of a cloud risk as we’ve been led to believe.
  • The cost of migration is significant and the reality of that migration? You probably should have rewritten your application rather than simply porting what you have into the cloud.
  • Virtualization is not cloud computing. That huge risk let’s people assume that by virtualizing their solution they are ready for the cloud – see bullet two, it ain’t the same baby.
  • Bandwidth is everywhere and nowhere. You can’t assume that just because you get four bars today in your local starbucks that you are going to get the same amount tomorrow. The number of people using the solution are growing. The amount of bandwidth is not growing as fast. There will be a great burp (I know but I had to sneak that in) that will impact that bandwidth as well (making people realize its not going to be always on and always available).

There are many more risks these Ides of Cloud. But now my fingers are tired from typing so I will stop here.


The insecurity of cloud computing

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When you consider the hype around cloud computing you find that it is more hype than anything right now. Like Dr. Miracles wonder elixir most of cloud computing can’t do the things you need and or want it to do consistently.

Partly of course this is the reality of squeezed IT budgets and cloud computing in the short run offers additional cost savings. But cost savings is a window. Once you open it it quickly closes.

The reality of cloud computing in the near term is security. In fact the more clouds I look at, the more I realize security may be the today and the tomorrow of cloud computing. Secure solutions that are based on APT, but also on years of experience both in managing secure solutions but also in building and providing solutions that are based wholly on a secure implementation.

Reality in the security space is there are as many wholes in some vendors offerings as there are answers. Microsoft offers a number of solutions that trumpet their “days to vulnerability closed” but the reality is there remains a high number of vulnerabilities. IBM has many solutions that have significant security issues. Redhat and other Linux vendors have long lags often between vulnerability opened and closed.

Cloud security can’t be about the response. It has to have an offensive capability working to close the gaps.

In the past I’ve talked about new models and patterns for developers to consider building towards. I suspect someone should spend some time (probably me later) on what the security options would be using cloud computing.

  • Security through obscurity
  • In transit or on-the-fly security
  • others?


Visual Ops

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What are you reading now?

Many years ago when I was a second grade teacher I used to ask that question daily of 20 people. What are you reading now today is a little more interesting a question.

For the past few days I’ve been reading a book called Visual Ops (I ordered the new book Visual Ops focused on Private Cloud in hardback and Visual Ops the original in the series on my kindle fire.)

It takes an agile view of operations and how to implement them in a smaller footprint.

I find the concepts interesting and its easier to ride then some of the Cyber Security books I am slugging through.



Returning to the Syncverse, yes, it is still there…

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In my book “The Syncverse” many pieces of which originally appeared in my blog and podcasts, I talk about the concept of one solution that would allow for people to have hold and store the things that were important to them. It would have to leverage a USN and GUID system as per the various standards (with in the case USN represent the Universal Synchronization number for any specific solution based on a Globally Unique Identification or GUID of a specific data set).

There are many solutions that have come into being since I wrote my book that get close to the concept but still lack a number of critical components.

  1. Universal Access
  2. Security
  3. Ease of use/access
  4. one drive to rule them all and in the cloud bind them

I would like to talk about the last one today. I’ve beaten the other topics more in the past than I have the concept of one drive to rule them all. I’ve been playing with cloud drives for the past month or so.

During that time I have found some interesting things.

  • Gladinet is a great tool if you intend to embrace cloud storage solutions
  • backup solutions to the cloud are slow and most are expensive. I strongly recommend Carbonite for lower cost and reasonable speed.
  • Bandwidth remains an issue – yesterday while uploading 20 gigs to a cloud drive and running my cloud backup solution, the rest of the PC’s in the house had virtually no access to the Internet. I don’t have the most expensive Comcast Xfinity solution, but I don’t have the cheapest either.
  • Automated synchronization requires an application (see Gladinet above). There aren’t as many sync programs on the Macintosh.

The cloud concept is one that will in the end change the way we use and leverage computers. What cloud doesn’t provide us is the path to the Syncverse concept. That I suspect will have to come from cobbling a number of solutions together in the short run.


Creating an Architectural Board to maintain the concept of the profession of Software Architecture.

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So my friend replied to yesterdays blog agreeing with my now expanded scope of the reasons why there isn’t anything new in Software Architecture. He didn’t like the word immaturity, but who does.

He had an additional point that I was moved by. It actually got me thinking that his point might in fact be the number one reason there is nothing new in Software Architecture. I asked him if I could share the idea. He said yes so here it is.

Everyone has their own Architectural Theory.

When he first proposed that (we actually spoke on the phone this time rather than 24 emails) concept I was shocked. I have a lot of friends who have created their own architectural frameworks and ideas.

They borrow bits from many other theories and create their own. They often attribute the source so that is good. But the reality is they are making the waters murky rather than helping. His concept that strikes me is the creation of a body whose job it is to create and accept architectural concepts. It would reduce the number of theories out there by increasing the complexity of having an approved theory. Today all you have to do is say “look this is my theory of architecture and it’s the best one.”

It goes to my thinking about the Internet (the great Internet board) that I posted awhile ago. The concept that there has to be more than simply saying look at me for something to be published (this blog of course, a great example as it is simply a look at me).

Professions have boards and bodies whose job it is to maintain the profession. Not the people as any one person is well not critical. The profession as a whole entity is the important thing (which goes against the concepts of socialism but is the reality of a profession).


I present this to the architecture board as a pundit/critic’s view of the architecture profession.

What say you board?


Sometimes when you listen you can actually find out that you were “partially” wrong.

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Yesterday I got an email from an old friend asking me about my blog “There is nothing new in software architecture.” he disagrees with me about the certification problem, but he felt the same way saying “yeah, haven’t seen anything new in more than 5 years.”

But then he asked me to consider if it wasn’t just certification (which we argued about in a 27 email thread but that is a different day and another blog) what else is wrong with software architecture.

I resisted at first having focused on the certification issue from both sides for more than 10 years. But after our last email I agreed to think about it, and if anything came of the thinking to blog it.

Problem 1: Immaturity

(Sung to the tune of Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”). With the advent of UML structured architectural documentation came into being. From the Zachman framework we aligned documents produced with the phase of a project. From there people discovered gold and the gold rush began, Every major software vendor created their own iteration of ITIL, UML and each one was uniquely positioned by the vendor as the best and the brightest. So confusing that I’ve noticed the opposite affect on documentation lately as more and more projects adopt agile methodologies, they drop project documentation. Which by the way isn’t part of agile it is part of the immaturity of software architecture.

Problem 2: Ego

There is often a reality behind why things don’t mature. One of the biggest drivers is ego. I am calling this the Cult of Architecture for lack of a better term. In the cult the folks flock to the latest and greatest (certifications count here pal) because well that is what it takes to build the ego. The ego becomes larger than the person. I know of so many places that suffer this problem “I have a new idea” the person says, everyone in the room then waits for person X to comment on the new idea before they do.

OK Pal, I thought about it, there are many more reasons and certification is a contributor not a driver. I think it is a huge contributor to the problem but I will concede your point that in fact it is not the only driver.

.A chagrined Doc

Nothing new, lots of in-fighting and 23 people trying to get through the door at the same time…

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I am beginning to realize that it impacts me more than I want to admit, this feeling that there is nothing new in software architecture.

Partially because I spent so many years chasing the dream of a profession. I still see a profession in the future, but until the various groups can all just “get along” I don’t see it happening anytime soon.

In the fullest sense of disclosure I am a member of IASA. I have been for a number of years and so I do support IASA’s point of view in relation to the overall concept of a profession for architects.

What concerns me is that there are a number of organizations now that continue to spring up. I have been using the comparison to the presidential race going on in the US right now. What would happen if every week a new candidate joined the race. It may in fact happen that someone will wait until the entire race is over and jump in at the last minute. They (probably Sarah Palin if anyone) won’t suffer the slings and arrows of the race up until then. That is the problem with the many organizations being created now around software architecture.

  • There are too many variables
  • There are too many certifications
  • There are too many people touting their particular certification is the only certification of value
  • There are too many people touting that their organization is the only one seeing the future of software architecture.

I got back over and over again to other professions. You don’t have competing certification boards they are quickly killed. You don’t have numbers of professional organizations professing that they are the one to join. You usually have one focused core group and several smaller specialty groups.

If you had asked me 5 years ago about a timeline for having a profession I would have said we would have one by now. I was so focused on building that profession that I didn’t read the tea leaves.

If you asked me now I would say it is still 10 to even 20 years away. which is why it makes me sad that there is nothing “New” in software architecture.



I am Superman (but the story incomplete) in reality I wasn’t even Clark Kent…

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IBM had commercials a number of years ago (the song still runs through me every once in awhile) I am superman. It was for a product (Lotus Notes, later Domino) that was at the time it was launched (1989 or so) one of the greatest products bar none. It sadly had decayed by the time of the Superman Commercial and has fallen even further. It does however represent an interesting case study in collaboration.

I used to sell against Lotus Notes and then Domino. From 1996 to 2000 I lost most of the time, why? IBM had an offline collaboration capability that no one else had at the time (well at least in the products I could sell, I was working for Microsoft then).

Collaboration in its infancy was all about the ability to take it on the airplane and work on the data, returning to a network and slowly synching. Lots of time in the late 90’s the internet struggled because everything was dialup.

So we argued with product groups for years to add offline capabilities. All the while the market and the world changed around us. People didn’t need offline collaboration stores any longer (or the product called Groove would have been a huge hit). People wanted the ability to interact with their solution via a mobile device.

Collaboration is now more than simply working on common project documents. It’s the entire social media revolution. Sharing, notifying and delivering your life to the palm of your hand.

We missed that 20 years ago in chasing offline capabilities. I wonder what we are missing today as we chase the dream of Cloud Computing.


Up ahead on the left, the road less traveled.

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Waiting for the compelling event. The pocket pc phone was before its time. It in the end failed because it never had its compelling event that drove it forward.

I hung on for 8 years hoping it would get better. It never actually was able to make that final transition. The IPhone and the rapidly growing Android devices saw the disadvantage. 19.99 for a mobile software package was too much. .99 cents was the right price point and that became a compelling event. The sheer number of phones sold, drove more application developers, the cost of the applications meant you could have more applications on your device and not worry because in the end the cost was reasonable.

The compelling event for smart phones however may not have been the applications. It may have been the cachet of the Apple device bursting the “phone” bubble. It became acceptable for those who considered themselves “non-geeks” to have a smart phone.

What is the compelling event for software architecture? Or has it in fact come to rest on its laurels? Enterprise Architecture seems to have taken off recently (although you can argue what and how that has happened and the impact it will eventually have). But the reality of the industry right now remains the separation perceived or real of IT from the Business. If software architects are the visionaries of the IT world, where are they going?

Is there a cachet of and around software architecture? In the end I worry about that. I don’t see anything new in the space and the problems still exist. the old joke (clinical definition of insanity do the same things over and over but expect different results each time) applies.

Robert Frost once wrote “and I took the path less traveled.” The thing that all the various groups don’t understand as they offer “Architecture” certifications and bless “Cloud Architects” and “Mobile Software architects” is that they are all not choosing the road less traveled – they are blazing trails that don’t exist. Which isn’t actually doing something new, if in fact you are simply repeating the failings of the past.

We are bound by and to our failures. The past less traveled is even less traveled now than it was. Overgrown and forgotten software architecture is spinning its wheels. In the end we may dig a rut so deep with our spinning wheels that we can’t get out. Not a wheel on the road and a wheel in the ditch and Neil Young wrote about Alabama. wheels buried to the axels in the mud and muck we generated by spinning our wheels without anything new.

Its time for a little sand for traction and then veer off the beaten path to the road less traveled.


There is nothing new in software architecture but I think I know why…

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There is nothing new in software architecture. I talked briefly yesterday about seeking what something new in software architecture and realizing like the tourists seeing the statue of Osmandius for the first time, there is nothing there.

Sure there are great concepts in the world of software architecture. Visio and UML are tools that have come from the need to have software architectures documented. There are many other tools, too many to name so we will go with the language (UML) and my personal favorite (Visio).

Devices have changed radically. The cloud has introduced the concept of decentralized centralized computing (figure that one out).But if Richard the III of England needed something new upon the field of battle to turn the tide as he needed a horse, he would as in the end fail as much for something new in software architecture as he did in his quest for a horse.

There is nothing new.

Sure there are a lot of certifications out there now. I talked about that in my certification-merry-go-round (and round and round and round). But in the end it doesn’t matter what pretty horse you ride (or don’t ride, instead stand next to your child who does ride and you of course are the moron standing on the merry-go-round without wanting to be there).

Each of the certifications (and I know of more than 10 now) certifies architects. None of them value the other certifications enough to just say “sure, you have that – we will grant you ours.” It is a fractured market right now.

My argument is that it is fractured as much from lack of “new” as anything. In Medicine and other “professions” you don’t see new certifications. Sure doctor’s chase specializations but that is because they have a specific interest or desire. You don’t have 5 different organizations certifying doctors, or pilots or teachers. (well ok teachers you have 51, but they follow the same core concepts for each of the state licensing processes).

There is a corollary to Murphy’s law (O’Toole’s corollary is my person favorite, and applies to everything “Murphy was an optimist”)  I don’t know who the attribution is but the statement is quite simple “work on something long enough to improve it and it will break.”

My question to the world today – have we worked on software certification so long now that we’ve broken software architecture? There is nothing new coming forth in a profession that remains ever changing. The only new things now are variants of certifications rather than new ideas and concepts.

Yea though I walk through the valley of architecture

I will fear no certification

because mine is better.

Or at least mine is newer.

Ok mine has a cooler certificate.

Who cares.

If the goal is certifications – congratulations you win.

if the goal is a profession than let’s kick certifications to the curb for now. The merry-go-round is making me dizzy.

Its time for a standards body. So software architects can get back to creating new things. Instead of chasing a merry-go-round we will never catch (its currently set at 120 KPH).
