it is interesting

I find it interesting. Hubpages took one of my articles from one of their “special” sites. The reason was that it needed to be moving or getting viewed. Since they have taken it down (about ten days), it is, on average, a significant number of views—way more than it ever got before when it was on the special site.

earthThe reality of what will catch on is always interesting.

I often get questions from various people that reach this blog. What technology are you thinking about now? It is not that I am a guru, and they have climbed the mountains. I have spent 30 years in technology, and I consider many things daily.

That is why I have a Pono facing me on the shelf next to my desk. Pono is an MP3 player backed by Neil Young. It has phenomenal sound, and I love it, but it never took off. It hit the market, and the market hit back. So, it still sadly stands there to remind me that my predictions are good guesses.

Yes, they may be educated guesses, but they live in the boundary of IMHO (in my humble opinion) and not fact.

Oh, and the Pono looks cool!


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The sky is falling. Wait the sky could fall.

Well it is possible that the sky might possibly someday fall.

Those who have read this blog for many years know I enjoy seeing and documenting communication patterns. It is as much a hobby as it is self-preservation in some cases.

thumbnail_IMG_5262Recently, I have noticed a pattern and anti-pattern that is an extension or variation of a pattern/anti-pattern set I noticed a few years ago and shared. I will save time dredging up the old data.

Instead, let’s focus on the new pattern and anti-pattern.

  1. Today is the new day; there is a path forward – a pattern
  2. The sky is falling – anti-pattern

The pattern is not pollyanna. They see that things don’t always work, but they understand there is a path forward. The anti-pattern is part of what I call the no-culture. It won’t work, it isn’t possible, and so on.

This pattern, the falling sky, is very risky depending on where it is in the organization. If the organization is risk averse, having these “sky is falling” people in senior roles is bad. Now, if the “sky is falling crew” also has that other communication anti-pattern (either the smartest person in the room or I am always right), it can be very dangerous.

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How you treat people matters more than what you say.

What is the ethical line you will not cross? It is a question I find both scary and interesting. It is scary in the sense that you have to ask the question. It’s interesting to hear what people think a line is. The last one is both good and bad. It is bad in the sense that sometimes a line moves very fast.

fight doneFor example, if you have a private conversation via an internal company-sponsored chat, is it okay to copy and paste it into a new conversation with a 3rd person? Yes, it is; if you ask the first person if it is okay to copy and share the conversation.

That isn’t okay if you don’t ask the first person and do it. That is a huge red line. You know what it is more than a red line. It should be an ethical barrier higher than the Andes Mountain range. Not “Danger, Warning Will Robinson” from lost in space warning.

Rather, cross this line only some lines.

That is an interesting reality. People don’t understand that a private conversation cannot be shared without both parties acknowledging the conversation can be shared. There are exceptions. If one party admits to or plans a crime, you can have that conversation, but even then, it is a bit tricky.

No one owns a conversation with another person. When you share that conversation without consent, you tell the first person they are not worthy of your respect.

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I worry about customer service

I just wanted to say one thing. What would happen if I fraudulently obtained a loan for my house, inflating assets and things like that, and the bank found out? I am asking for a friend.

1I realize that I am between two eras regarding customer service. I understand the value of a Machine Intelligence system that can emotionally respond to issues, concerns, and calls. I worry about the quality of the response you get from the human being now.

My initial job in the IT world was working on a helpdesk. That is a challenging job you can have. That is a very taxing job. But, the quality of customer service is going lower and lower every single year. I stopped dealing with eBay because their customer service got so bad that I couldn’t take it anymore.

In doing reviews over the last ten years on Yelp, I have 22 reviews of 1 and 2 stars. All of them focus on the fact that the customer service provided was horrible. The sad reality is that I was on Yelp in the first four years, and that rating system produced 8 of the 22. The other 14 occurred in the last five years.

Look, that is only one set of numbers. I am unique in this problem. But it feels like customer service is declining.

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ok Xfinity streaming is pretty good

I am impressed with the Comcast (Xfininity) streaming application. Previously, streaming was something I did outside the house. First, because that was why I set it up (Sling), and second, because there was a physical limit.

DALL·E 2023-09-16 07.05.56 - hands facing upwards holding a cloud with the cloud connected to many information sources(you could not stream on the wireless segment or network the receiver was on.)

I can stream in my house with the Xfinity, which is pretty nice. It means during the day, I can watch the financial news (Bloomberg and MSNBC most often). The volume is off, but I can see how good the market is (or how bad).

The fun thing is it also reduces the number of cable boxes you need. We still have two, but we may move down to 1 eventually.

There was a time when Sling was the only viable streaming office. There are so many streamed services that it is incredibly easy to stream. It makes one wonder how much longer there will be cable companies.

(not, that I am a fan of the internet connectivity provided by Comcast but the streaming service is really good).

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inching closer

I am slowly but surely making progress. I realize that speed is not my friend. Mostly because when I work fast, I tend to injure my back. But also, I need to think through what has to be in place as we advance. I got a few things on OfferUP. I abandoned eBay last year.

Cardinal 2(I was on eBay for nearly 20 years. I believe a business has the right to raise its price if its costs increase. But if you charge me to provide customer service, and you don’t, I am gone!)

The last two big projects are to connect the basement stereo. The other is to get the 3D printers set up. I want to get back into 3D printing, and I didn’t want to create a noise issue with the current office configuration. I also want to get further into robotics. I have a couple in the basement now.

Those two projects are waiting until after I finish up the organization project. I want to ensure I am not trying to stuff 20 pounds into a 10-pound bag!

The last focus area is to determine the organizational needs of the office/basement/man cave. By organizational, I mean what needs to be displayed and what needs to be stored (and what I need to get rid of!). It is truly a balancing act.

From a gee, this is the fun perspective. I do get to review a lot of old tech!

It makes me sad to say this. The concept of a free press was critical to the success of the young United States. It is MORE critical now than ever. Those who would limit the press are not freedom fighters. They are not trying to make anything other than themselves look better.

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an experiment and lots to do

I’ve been experimenting to figure out what resonates with my audience (see the two 3D printing links below). I realize that my audience is bifurcated. Some read my other blog and are interested in what I am wandering to and from. Others read this blog, focusing more on my technical thoughts. Either way, I would like to know who clicks the links included with this and my other blog. So far, the numbers have been interesting overall. Not at all, what I expected to be honest. There would be a much different result.

DALL·E 2023-09-16 07.05.45 - hands facing upwards holding a cloud with the cloud connected to many information sourcesBut that is why we develop a Hypothesis and then test it!

Two last technology updates today. One, the Solar project for our house is finally fully approved and on schedule. That is a two-part project, with part happening this year and the rest hopefully early next year or the year after (battery backup). We want to get the Solar power setup first!

The other technical update is the cleanup continues. We’ve now made unique trips to Goodwill, and I have a number (4) of items on Offerup. Slowly but surely, we are getting rid of everything.

As an employee of the phone company, I am not allowed to pre-order the new iPhone 15. That is a good thing, as I like to take a little time and figure out if I need the upgrade. Last year, the big draw for me was the satellite backup communication. Oh, and the new Apple Watch was also a draw. I have yet to find the driving feature in the iPhone 15, but I am just starting my research. I will share when I get closer to figuring out what the value of the upgrade will be!

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the saga continues

I have officially found everything in the basement. Now, it is time to consider what to continue removing permanently. There is a collection of things my father left and my grandfather that I am not sure I am ready to let go of. But I am getting rid of a number of the other items that I have now moved from Indiana to Maryland and twice in Maryland. Based on the recent changes on HubPages, I am considering taking my longer articles elsewhere. I have yet to decide; I am frustrated and considering pulling the plug.

DALL·E 2023-09-16 07.05.33 - hands facing upwards holding a cloud with the cloud connected to many information sourcesThe one thing I have yet to locate is power supplies. I have to search and get likely 5 or 6 power supplies. None, of course, are the generic variety. I have a ton of them. I also need to do some final setup of printers and get the office/pool room/man cave finalized.

The other thing I am continuing to evaluate and play with AI functions. The new EBOX is integrated with ChatGPT. The keywords right now in the AI world are integrated, involved, and consuming. Integrated means the AI is functioning on the device. I want to know what other options will bring to the market (consumption and integration). The consumption option is interesting. The AI infrastructure remains separate in that consumption, the device that consumes AI as part of its processing. I suspect many video surveillance systems will be consumer rather than integrated and built with.

The other thing that is interesting for me right now is the systems that are now being released into the mainstream AI world. I’ve played with a few, and many interesting ML/AI models are out there.

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Turning is easier

Yesterday, I learned something new about our Truck. I knew the feature in the back of my head, but I didn’t think about it. When, at night, you enter a turn. the car automatically turns on your brights so that you can see better. That was cool, but then I also noticed that if there is an oncoming car, it also turns the lights off. I probably should have known that feature, but I never noticed it. I’ve owned cars for many years; honestly, every Mercedes we’ve owned in the last few years does this. But it is a cool safety feature.

thumbnail_IMG_4890I also realized yesterday that I had changed my work bag without thinking about it. We were in a conference room without a projector (yes, they still have those in the world). I reached into my bag, pulled out my Pico projector, and realized I had taken the HDMI cable out when moving. So, having a projector was good, but having the HDMI cable could have been better.

I have an HDMI cable (shockingly), so I will add it back to my bag.

Sometimes moving can be fun; I don’t know when that happens, but one can hope someday moving will be fun.

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Sometimes leaders just have to say “that isn’t acceptable.”

Leadership only sometimes allows discord to rule the day. Sometimes, as a leader, you have to step in. You have to say, “That isn’t acceptable.” It’s not in the moral high ground sense that you’re mistaken. It is in the concept of team and team building that this is critical. Not just doing it but knowing when it has to be done. Teams, like people, have life. They, teams, are not alive because they breathe and produce CO2; they are alive because they are a connection. Sometimes, as a leader in a group, you have to say “stop.”

DALL·E 2023-09-16 07.05.33 - hands facing upwards holding a cloud with the cloud connected to many information sourcesIn essence, when a group goes off the expected path, it reflects on the group and directly on the leader. It takes work to build a core vision that is shared. Leadership is a hard role.

Yesterday, I found a few items I shouldn’t have packed. I suspect what I will do is list them on OfferUp.

I want to share a picture of the basement display areas I am creating. One of them is Swiss Army knives. I have one I got more than 50 years ago. Another was given to me by my grandfather (and then borrowed by my dad for 30 years) and a few others. Yes, a few. I love Swiss Army knives for a lot of reasons. I now have them on display. They are great tools to have; honestly, they are something I treasure now!

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Zoom Interview with Scott Anderson

Listen as Author Scott Anderson discusses his new book Danny and the Corporate Ladder.#NewRelease #books

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