The LLMs are coming the LLMs are coming

newest ertThe interesting situation right now that is going on makes me pay more attention than usual. I introduced a concept called the Enterprise Resource Triangle a few years ago. The concept is very simple; it considers every application’s requirements.

  • What device is being used
  • What network am I using with the device
  • What desintation am I using

It should be noted that the ERT model is not designed around stand-alone or air-gap networks, although the principles of the overall structure do work for air-gap networks. You still have a device, a landscape, and a destination; they are all on an isolated network.

The current fascination with smaller LLMs is not without reason. The potential they hold is immense-imagine having the capacity to move the LLM locally, regardless of the device. In simpler terms, you could run the LLM on a cellular phone, a device preferred by many today.

The next iteration of these smaller LLMs will be the concept of a shared or client-server application. Where the LLM’s intelligence knows the processing load required to perform the task is greater than available, I will ship the task off to the larger LLM.

Ultimately, our efforts will yield in speed. However, the flip side of this accelerated pace is the concept of the digital assistant-always on, always recording if you choose. Moreover, on-the-fly recording, on-the-fly translating, and a myriad of other possibilities will become a reality, inspiring a new era of technology.

Made by Humans

Episode 1

Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!

All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)


the personal assistant is here

I have talked about many “potential” AI solutions for the past two years. The concept that resonates now resonates more than ever is the AI or Machine Intelligence concept of the digital personal assistant. What does that truly mean in the short and long run?

Artificial-IntelligenceFirst, you can now do meetings, phone, and other conversations with the PA and transcribe that information.  On-the-fly transcription and notes created by a digital assistant. You can do this right now with Plaud, a leading AI personal assistant platform. But the multi-modal Machine Intelligence systems are nearly here.

(Multi-Modal simply means voice, text, visual input). So now, Machine Intelligence systems, which are advanced AI systems capable of understanding and processing various types of data, will natively do the recording and transcription services. That is truly the first huge step to the concept of a Personal Assistant and it is literally in the market now.

The next piece will be a reliable live translation. Again, going back to the Multi-Modal concept, translation will explode. Translating on the fly visually and aurally will truly be amazing. You can quickly see a sign in another league and know what the sign says.

Plus, you can have people speaking to you translated on the fly. The age of the personal assistant is here!

Made by Humans

Episode 1

Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!

All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)


on AI and podcasts

I spend time walking every day. As part of that, I often take work calls—every afternoon. But in the morning, I listen to podcasts while I walk. I’ve been focusing on AI podcasts for a while now, but I still listen to more focused scientific podcasts.

apps screen shot todayI listened to Joe Rogan for a time, but his recent podcasts forced me to stop. I understand presenting both sides but doing that requires you to present both sides, not one side over and over. That said, I enjoy several podcasts out there.

  1. AI for Humans
  2. Last week in AI
  3. Me, Myself and AI
  4. Super Data Podcast
  5. Made by Humans (or is it)

Those are my top four. AI for humans is first by a long shot. I love the humor, and frankly, if you are interested in AI, AI for Humans is great. The other three are also great. I will start with Last Week in AI. It is a podcast that discusses the current news in AI. I love the conversations the hosts have about the AI news.

The last three are new, and the other two are more focused. Super Data Podcasts focuses on the concepts of data science and is really good. It is a longer interview system and does a great job. AI, and I dive into how specific companies implement AI.

The last one, Made by Humans (or is it?), is the new podcast a friend and I started. The cool thing about our new podcast is that we are open to ideas, requests, and questions for the show!

Made by Humans

Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!

All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)


Beware the ides of May :-)

I am so excited—the new podcast (see link to the promo below) is coming soon. I enjoy talking about technology. I have been fortunate in my career to have many opportunities to appear and talk publicly about what I am thinking about. It is truly an honor when I get to do so.

vib eThis new podcast is so much more fun because we’re not only talking about tech but also getting to do so with a great friend.

On a personal tech front, I posted my long video review of the Meta Ray-Ban glasses. I enjoy looking at things and asking Machine Intelligence: What am I looking at? In fairness, sometimes the Llama-3 response (the AI built by Meta) is hilarious.

Hey Meta, what am I looking at? I asked yesterday, and the response was, “A neighborhood with trees and houses.” It was interesting in the sense that it was true, but it was not what I was looking for. I had to ask Meta again to get the answer I wanted.

The object I was trying to identify was a 1968 GTO. I couldn’t see the signature GTO nameplate, but I was pretty sure. Meta, I did get it right once I was specific. The value of being able to identify things like that is huge.

OpenAI released their assistant on Monday (upcoming). That was incredibly interesting to me. I have argued for a long time that a personal assistant is very interesting to me. I will do a more detailed review soon; let’s say it is interesting!

Made by Humans

Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!

All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)


lots of videos to share

Can we recall a congressperson? I am asking for a friend who is pulling their hair out over the behavior of several US Congresspeople. It is one thing to lie in a speech. It is quite another thing to go on national television and lie. The problem with lying on TV is that THEY CAN BE REPLAYED OVER AND OVER. I am tired of the lies over and over about 8th, 9th, and post-birth abortions. That is an outright lie. It has happened in the 8th and 9th months but only in the case of a stillborn child or non-viable pregnancy.

squirrelCredulity and the concept of trust, but verification applies here.  I believe in two or more sides to issues, from free and open discourse. However, there are limits to the concept of discourse. It does require that both sides ACCEPT the existence of the other.

I am tired of name-calling and lumping an entire group of people into a negative and derogatory category. While I understand the concept and its rationale, it is not civil or reasonable discourse. We need a frank and open discourse on what can be done.

Some things need to be done. No one is arguing that those things aren’t real. What does calling your opponent a name do to solve the issues? What does making grandiose claims do for anything? Mask Mandates and vaccine mandates are in place to protect our children.

How can you remove funding for vaccines? Do we want a country overrun with measles? Do we want COVID-19 to rise again? Pandemics raging around the world, taking out millions of human beings? What are the policies you are going to enact that will benefit most of us? It’s video day at the OK Corral. It is a day with a lot of interesting video releases. The first release is a new Podcast/vlog called Made by Humans (or is it?). The promo for the podcast is available on our channel (see Made by Humans below). The actual podcast is coming later this week.

The promo is really fun; the creative Genius Behind it is my cohost. The other longer video is my weekly deep-dive tech review. This week, I am talking about a product that has been around for a bit, but it is an interesting market segment that mixes Machine Intelligence and wearables.

The Meta Ray-Ban glasses are the subject of the review. With their latest software release, you now have the power of the Llama 3 LLM in your glasses.

Technology is an interesting topic to discuss and consider. What we can do today will expand to what we can do tomorrow. But it was, as I said, a video morning.

Overall, I consider and evaluate many things. However, I still need to decide to do the extended tech reviews myself. A long-time blog reader reached out and said I needed to do the longer video reviews. I understand why the reader asked that.

The podcast was actually my friend/cohost’s idea, and I am glad he came to me with the idea. We had a blast making it, and I hope you enjoy it.

Subscribe to our channel. More is coming!

My extended Tech Review (Meta Ray-Ban)!

Made by Humans

Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!

All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)


on frameworks…

Over the years, I have learned that frameworks help if they are flexible. What I mean by this is that does the framework support what is possible now and empower what is coming? It is the power of frameworks to support not only now but also into the future.

VIBEIt is why I rely on the Enterprise Resource Triangle (ERT). The reality of enterprise applications is the reality of tomorrow. Devices, networks, and designs continue to evolve, and the ERT framework is designed to adapt to these changes, making it a future-proof solution.

Over time, I suspect we will see more and more competitors in this process. However, the core concept of the framework is unchanged. It will be unchanged for the near future (10 or more years). But what it is today is different from what it will be. The what and where of components changes.

For example, one of the core principles of the ERT is security. In the future, most organizations’ security layers will move to the network. Why is that? The network is the first line of defense and, ultimately, could be the best line of defense for an organization.

While defense will be present on every layer of the ERT, it’s important to note that the network layer will serve as the starting point, reinforcing the security of the entire framework.

Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!

All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)


review of the Meta Ray Ban sunglasses

I have played with the Meta Glasses (Ray-Ban) for the past few months. The newest release of the software is impressive. They (Meta and Ray-Ban) released a new version of the Meta Glasses OS, which now enables many more capabilities within the device.

  1. Full (better) integration with your phone.
  2. Better integration with Spotify and Apple Music
  3. The improved ability to look at something and say “Hey Meta” was that
  4. The glasses look good, and honestly block the sun extremely well.

raybanThis is partly due to the release of Llama 3, which is the open-sourced (mostly) LLM from Meta. This is a future-leaning device. Most people will not consider it a must-have device, but it is a warning of things to come: integrated intelligence in devices.

No, I am not calling for a toaster that screams; you’re burning your bagel. Although, now that I think about it, that would be a hilarious gag to pull. Someone puts something into the toaster, and the toaster then says, “Help, I am burning; get me out. It’s hot in here.”

Anyway, the Ray-Ban part of the package is the Wayfarer, one of my favorite Sunglasses formats. I still love Aviators, but I am happy with the look of these Ray-Ban glasses. The voice command works well. Because your cell phone is connected, you must be onboard to remove information.

That means you have more capability and capacity. I am looking forward to the future releases!

Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!

All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)


still stuck on 3d printing

The reality of Machine Intelligence continues to evolve. I’ve been playing with the new Copilot Studio tool and am amazed. At this point, the agent I’ve built is simple, but it is impressive overall, as when I was playing with Eleven Labs’ voice generation system.

vib eOne of the things I am going through is finally 3D printing all the stuff I was waiting to print. A lot of the print jobs are already set up; I just need to start the printer. Time is the one limiter right now for what I am doing. The other thing is I am considering switching the type of PLA I use.

I backed a product launch for Protoplasma, a company that sells several interesting PLA styles. They have electrical or conductive PLA and some really interesting colors. As I said, I am considering switching to their PLA. I’ve used some of their PLA so far.

I am kind of in 3D printing mode now. Things change over time. The other thing I have focused on recently is creating artwork for an upcoming talk. I am using various AI engines to create images for the talk. It is a talk about AI, so I figured having an AI-generated image for an AI talk seems, well, perfect!

Well, that is the case. I may be on an island for this one.

Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!

All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)


3d printing

For the first time, well, ever, I had all three 3D printers up and running. I’ve usually printed two at a time in the past. The first thing I will say is that it does produce some air quality issues. My home coach (air sensor) had a pre-printing reading of good and a post-printing reading of poor.

RuxAll three prints turned out, and I shared the initial (2) printer video on YouTube. Overall, the process went smoothly. The two fast printers completed the process in 28 minutes and 43 minutes, respectively. Having a rapid prototype printer was the goal of the Creality; it actually printed in 28 minutes!


The printers were gray, black, and white, although the older printer (which was printing another desktop organizer) does have two colors. My next printing project has nothing to do with 3D. I suggest printing a poster of the cover of Danny and the Corporate Ladder.

Oh, and printing some photos of birds. I have a lot of pictures of birds. It is almost as if I have a daily camera taking pictures of birds!

I have been considering the impact of 3d printers and other tech on the network, with the less than stellar 10g network (Whole home, as long as you have a house with one room) wifi. I must worry because the wifi begins to fade fast on various house edges. So, moving large amounts of data is a growing concern.

There is nothing to share, but it is a future post.

Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!

All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)


thinking about tech

Over the last five days, we’ve had some visitors: two baby bunnies and a dead adult bunny. The two baby bunnies were alive and released back into the yard, while the adult bunny was clearly dead and released into the recycling system. But that is the downside of Labs; they are hunting dogs.

thumbnail_W1210915195_AEA10C_DCIM_100GCMRA_PICT0289One of the things I have done over the years is evaluate new technologies as they come on the market. The reality of change now, however, is that it is much faster than it was before. What is possible now continues to expand more and more rapidly.

Based on that, I am more selective in what I consider and evaluate. This isn’t from a lack of interest; it is merely a focus on what I am interested in in the short term. For me, this means several very simple projects. I talked to a friend yesterday, and he helped me quickly refine my overall objectives.

Of course, that is the advantage of talking to a friend. They have the advantage of looking in rather than inside looking out. The concept that I took away from the conversation is one I’ve been leaning toward but haven’t codified in my head yet—the concept of simply solving a problem.

Based on that, I am reworking what I am considering and using.

Vibe is the best whiteboard on the market!

All three versions of Danny and the Corporate Ladder are now on Amazon

(audio, ebook, and paperback)
