On connection and 3d printing!

This is not an overall review of the Ankermake M5 printer. I will wait until the last external components for the printer ship in February. But this is a quick update; I am know a huge 3d printer geek. I am printing sand toys right now; yesterday, my first print was a zen rake. Today I am printing the tower portion of a sand castle. 3d printing is all about the creation and ability to take something from the 2d (computer screen) to the 3d (physical object). 2 things I have noticed about the printer that I will share a pre-upcoming review. First, this printer is a lot faster than my old printer.

3d printerBy faster, I mean 2-3 times faster. What took me 58 minutes on my old printer was done in 11 on this printer. Part of that is speeding up network segments, but overall, the new printer is fast.

The other quick hit I love is the connection to my iPhone. Awesome job so far on both of these very cool features.

It is truly interesting to me, overall, if we consider the impact of the cellular device going forward. The impact is growing and growing fast from tablets, hotspots, and 5g. I know that the IoT-type devices I look at now, I start with the does it have a phone application? (I have an Android phone for work and an iPhone for personal). There are so many things you can do. It is amazing to me. I started in the world of PPC phones, and the connection was interesting but wasn’t where it is today. I remember having a lot of connectivity but not many things to connect to back in the day!

Ah, connectivity, the joy that comes!
