Sometimes i wonder….

The concept of an interactive whiteboard is one I am chasing. I mentioned it maybe 3 or 4 days ago; I searched for one did what I needed for many years. For me, the path of the whiteboards value is just jotting down what I’m thinking. As I begin to instantiate an idea in pictures becomes easier for me to annotate that with text. I can re-create most of my sloppy hand-drawn diagrams and Visio. But I also sometimes keep those hand-drawn concepts because they’re useful. One of the things I used to do a long time ago was developing bold new New World ideas. I, given that out I I have ideas and innovations in my head and sometimes have shared them with companies or in my blog, but I don’t share those as much anymore. In part, that’s because I come to realize that the majority of what I think makes things simpler isn’t necessarily what everybody else thinks. If you build a better mousetrap, people, But if you create a more complex mousetrap, it solves two problems that are one people in a by. People want to mousetrap that gets rid of the mouse.


That doesn’t stop me from having the ideas; it just stops me from sharing them sometimes. The screen concept is a service that I shared and talked about for a long time. That the concept of just-in-time data information delivery. The concept of data as a service as it were. The been many services over the years that deliver information that is verified and validated. I suspect an application the can do that on the fly for the Internet would be of value. I watch the rate of conspiracy theory blogs rise, and I have to say it makes me sad. If you don’t produce facts, then everything you say is a question. If you have facts that you’ve interpreted, then your interpretation comes into the question. If you have facts that haven’t been interpreted, people will take your post at face value. As I said, all the conspiracy blogs out there make me sad. It is not freedom of speech to spread disinformation. You have no right to spread disinformation. You have the right to your speech, and no one will impinge on that, but you do not have the right to share lies.

So my great idea, migrate an application, is the truth verification application. It’s a background app that runs on every device you own, and it verifies the source and the information you’re looking at. People always say that guns are dangerous. Guns are dangerous if you point one at yourself. Guns are risky if you hold them in hand. But ultimately, it’s the person holding the weapon that is dangerous in every instance. I know I walk through many stores that sell guns in my life. I’ve never been afraid of guns. The one time in my life that I had a gun pointed at me, then I was scared. But I was never scared of the gun. I was afraid of the damage it could do if it were fired. But the reality was I was scared of the person holding the gun. The reality of gun control isn’t that we control guns is that we control people. And that is a slippery slope at best. So I’m slowly but surely walking away from all the conspiracy blogs out on the Internet. And I keep thinking about building my truth verification and validation at I wonder how open the Internet would be if that app were allowed to provide the filters on your computer!


One thought on “Sometimes i wonder….

  1. This made me smile. I have refrained from sharing my thoughts except through my writings because most people do not understand the word “open-mindedness” 😛

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