A visit to tomorrowland…




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The device of tomorrow…

I’ve danced around this topic a few times – and recently have started to cobble together the various pieces of the device of tomorrow.

We talk in the cloud world of the concept of portability and that has to be an integration point for the device of the future. You have to be able to easily change devices. I for example really like the applications in my old windows phone (the new one is bereft of applications today which is sad in the end) but my old windows mobile 6.5 device supported the pocket dos platform which allowed me to emulate a dos machine quickly. So portability becomes a requirement for the device of the future. We can argue what that means at another time. My device supports my applications is the tenet I am building on for portability.

The next tier is modularity. Among the many design things Apple ahs done well – its easy to get accessories that easily work with your Apple device. Industry wide acceptable of the modular nature of mobility would be of value.

  • Modularity supports expansion easily (projector, additional memory, blood pressure it keeps going on and on).
  • support for docking (monitors, keyboards etc.)
  • When you don’t need it, disconnect it

The last piece of modularity is important. The concept of mobility has of course the flexibility of a smaller more portable always connected device. The other side of this concept is that if you think about it, you never turn your mobile device off (or only when it runs out of battery completely) so any device you connect to your phone has to be able to accept live connections and disconnections to be effective.
