Waxing philosophical on a Friday…




My Amazon author page!!!!




To me right now the cloud presents the greatest single opportunity for change the world has seen or even had a chance to accomplish since the printing press made books more and more readily available.

Excerpt that now all the books ever written could fit into the palm of your hand.

The universe not in huge text book or reference book driven gulps but instead the sips known to use as Wikipedia. Tiny, small sips that can carry every bit of the value of the previous huge reference books.

Except that all knowledge can be discovered by a device in the palm of your hand.

I dreamed of the day when I was a child although my dream was much larger as I had a briefcase. Now it is the palm of my hand

Eventually they will be smaller (wearable) and the future will continue to be closer and closer to a place people want to engage with.

A future where everyone will have an equal chance at information. Perhaps my briefcase dream that is now a palm sized device was only the beginning.

